How to Land a Job in Design: Five Essential Tips for Aspiring Footwear Designers

How to Land a Job in Design: Five Essential Tips for Aspiring Footwear Designers

At, a huge part of our mission is empowering the next generation of forward-thinking designers. One of the overall reasons this blog even exists is exactly that – because we believe in the power of collaboration in the creative industries. Having such a wealth of expertise onboard within our designer community, we do our best to channel this wisdom to its more junior members – including design students.

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For many of our aspiring designers who have just completed their degree, or are on the way to that milestone, the topic of finding a job in such a competitive industry can be quite painful. And while we’re not saying it’ll be any easier with (although we can definitely be of some help with presenting your portfolio – see how it’s worked for some of our designers!), here’s some expert advice from our community brought to you by Quintin Williams.

About Quintin

Quintin Williams is the founder of Q4 Sports and Creative Astronaut. With over 14 years of experience in sneaker design, Quintin brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to aspiring designers. He is currently a professor at Savannah College of Art and Design, where he helps guide the next generation of designers. His career is marked by a deep understanding of both creative ideation and practical manufacturing, making him a respected figure in the footwear design industry.

1. Understand Manufacturing

As a novice designer, having a fresh perspective is advantageous, but understanding manufacturing limitations is crucial. If you have the explosive mind of a young, inexperienced designer, that’s awesome. But it gets even better once you understand the limitations or restrictions of manufacturing because you know how to bridge the two. Bridging creativity with manufacturing knowledge enhances your ability to create feasible and innovative designs. Knowing how things are made allows you to push boundaries while staying grounded in what can be produced.

2. Embrace Ideation

Get very comfortable with massive amounts of ideation. This is where can help you with that process by streamlining it. Mind that, however, AI can’t just do the job for you – foundational skills in sketching and rendering are essential. Get familiar with copious amounts of ideation with hand, and then you can slowly, gradually get into digital. My journey started with hand sketching, progressing to digital tools like Photoshop and Illustrator, and now includes 3D modeling and AI enhancements. It’s important to master all these skills to have a complete toolbox.

3. Find a Mentor

Mentorship on this journey is invaluable. I attribute much of my success to the mentors I had throughout my career. You’ve got to find those people (a minimum two or three) that you can bounce ideas off of, and that can help you with their network to get you opportunities. You simply don’t have as much access to them as they do after years of being in the industry, so leverage these connections wisely. Engaging with industry veterans who can provide guidance, share their network, and offer opportunities for internships or apprenticeships can significantly accelerate your career growth. Being a professor at Savannah College of Art and Design, I understand the importance of having mentors to help navigate the industry from both sides. 

How to find a mentor? My number 1 suggestion is to create a LinkedIn profile (if you haven’t already) and join any and all Footwear Groups. Read articles about the sneaker industry, find the names of the designers, search for them via LinkedIn and connect. Ask for direct, honest feedback on your work thus far. Ask if you could schedule a zoom call to understand their design process and workflow. Grab as many nuggets as you possibly can!

4. Leverage Your Own Network

The more people you know, or the more people are aware of what you can do, the more opportunities you can land. Utilize platforms like LinkedIn, Behance, and social media to showcase your work and connect with professionals. At minimum, those first two things are key. It can also be beneficial to have your own personal website, which is a great way to showcase your work – it may or may not be free depending on the platform you use, whether you want a personalized domain, and so on. Moreover, don’t just sit there waiting for people knocking on your doors. My proactive approach included joining multiple LinkedIn groups, cold emailing companies, and maintaining a strong online presence. Yes, it takes time and effort – but it pays off in the long run. 

5. Stay Hungry and Show Your Work

What does “staying hungry” even mean? Here’s my take: I get up every day as if I don’t have a job and that I’m still hungry. What I mean is, continuously seek feedback and showcase your work to mentors and industry groups. If you don’t show your work, how could you ever get better? Because nobody would know or see what you’re able to do. Sharing your progress helps you improve and keeps you motivated in this competitive field. My dedication to continuous improvement and visibility has been key to my long-standing success in the industry.

A final word from us, the team: stay hopeful and keep trying! Don’t let failures and rejections dishearten you, for it’s all going to be for the best. If you’re having trouble getting noticed with your work – reach out to us via email: we’ll see if we can help!

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