How to Present Your Designs with AI: Insights from Ilinca Trif

How to Present Your Designs with AI: Insights from Ilinca Trif

Sometimes all it takes for your creative ideas to be truly seen and appreciated is the right presentation – and Dutch footwear designer Ilinca Trif has nailed this art to perfection. What started as playing around with various AI tools like Midjourney and, has now become her go-to way of communicating her creative vision – while opening up whole new horizons as an expert in leveraging AI in design. 

We’ve spoken to Ilinca about her pathway of growth as a senior footwear designer and now AI design consultant, who now advises other designers how to use tools like in their creative process. 

Discovering the Potential of AI

Ilinca’s AI exploration journey started with experimenting with different digital tools, in search of the right ones that would seamlessly integrate into her work as a designer. It wasn’t until she saw the photorealistic footwear concepts generated with that she discovered the exact quick and efficient solution she needed.

“I was seeing these amazing AI-generated images and thought, ‘How can I apply this to my work?’” Ilinca recalls. “When I found the right tool, it just clicked. It wasn’t about replacing the designer, but about enhancing what I could do—making my ideas come to life in a way that sketches alone couldn’t.”

Ilinca’s first major test of AI’s potential came during a critical moment in her career. As a senior designer at her previous company, she presented a collection of sketches to her boss in flat sketches. However, as it was hard to imagine how those sketches would come to life, the boss was hesitant to approve the concepts at first. 

“That’s when I decided to use AI-generated renderings alongside my sketches. And it was a game-changer. Suddenly, everyone could see exactly what I was envisioning, and we were all on the same page.”

@Trif Studio

The AI-rendered images didn’t just help in clearing communication —they significantly sped up the entire process, allowing Ilinca to meet the tight deadlines with more confidence.

Turning a Tool into an Asset

Ilinca’s growing expertise with AI didn’t go unnoticed. When she was interviewing for her current role as a senior designer and footwear developer for a major agency working with global footwear brands, her ability to incorporate AI into her design process became a key selling point.

“During my interview, they were really impressed when they saw how I was using AI to enhance my designs,” Ilinca shares. “It wasn’t just about creating pretty pictures; it was about showing that I could integrate modern technology into my workflow, making the entire design process more efficient and innovative.”

@trif studio

This capability, coupled with her extensive experience, strengthened Ilinca’s position as a top candidate and contributed to her image as a notable design innovator in the industry.

Opening New Doors

What started as a personal tool for Ilinca quickly evolved into something more. As she honed her skills, she found herself in demand not just as a designer, but as a mentor, helping others unlock the potential of AI in their own work.

“It’s funny—I began using AI to improve my own designs, and now I’m helping others do it, too,” Ilinca laughs. “I’ve been invited to give introductory courses to companies, showing them what AI can do for their design process. It’s amazing to see that ‘wow’ moment when people realize the possibilities.”

Despite her success in the high-tech world of AI-enhanced design, Ilinca remains grounded. Based in a small serene town in Netherlands, she enjoys disconnecting from the fast-paced design industry to spend time with her family, tend to her garden, and care for her chickens.

“I started working part-time to have more time for myself, but now this AI journey is also keeping me busy,” she admits. “It’s demanding, but incredibly rewarding. I love the balance of working with cutting-edge technology during the week and then unwinding with the simple joys of life on the weekends.”

What’s next

“AI is still surrounded by a lot of mystery and misconceptions, but I see it as an incredible opportunity,” Ilinca says. “I’m passionate about helping others see the potential of AI in design, and I’m excited to be part of this transformation.”


Ilinca's experiment with an array of tools – Runway, ChatGPT, NewArc.a, Midjourney, Wondershare Technology, Adobe Illustrator

And that’s the kind of the stories we live for as a team behind – to hear how our tool helps our users grow and discover new horizons in the most literal and measurable ways. If you’ve got one of those stories to share, get in touch – and if you’re not on the AI exploration journey with us yet, all you have to do is click on the button below and start creating.

Happy designing!